THIS IS HELL: New Song Posted Online

January 23, 2008

Long Island, New York-based hardcore/metal act THIS IS HELL has posted a new song, "End of an Era", on its MySpace page. The track comes off the group's upcoming sophomore Trustkill album, "Misfortunes", which is scheduled for release on February 19.

According to guitarist Rick Jimenez, "End of an Era" was chosen to be debuted because of its thematic nature. "We had a hard time choosing what song to debut since we were so psyched about all of them, which is a pretty good sign to us," he said. "We overanalyzed it, tossed it around for a bit, and then came to the unanimous decision to go with 'End of An Era'. We really wanted something was very much our trademark style, but also showcased some of the newer elements of our sound that we incorporated into the album. Even though every song is different, we felt that 'End of An Era' is a good lyrical summation of what we are trying to get across with the album. It's funny, after we chose it, all of our friends and family came up and told us they were glad we went with it. We've been playing it on tour, and the kids know it already, so they're excited when it comes up."

"Misfortunes" was produced by Joe Cincatta, who has previously worked with OBITUARY, SUFFOCATION and ANIMOSITY, among others.

THIS IS HELL is currently test-driving the new material on the band's U.S. trek with GALLOWS and THE CANCER BATS.

"The tour is picking up steam, and we're happy to be mixing it up on a different sort of tour for us," Rick said. "We always want to stay away from being repetitive, and we're so heavily routed in hardcore scene, so this is exactly what we need. Plus, there has been a really good reaction to the new material, so we're psyched."

THIS IS HELL will embark on its first full U.S. headlining run in February, with support from ELYSIA, RUINER and SOLDIERS.

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